Warren River
- The two access tracks are very steep hill climbs. In summer these may be very soft due to the lack of moisture in the sand. Letting your tyres down to low pressures (10-12lbs)is required. Crossing either of the rivers should only be attempted in summer, with a degree of previous experience.
- Contact: DPaW Pemberton Phone: (0)8 9776 1207 DPaW Parks and Wildlife
- Nearest service:Pemberton
- Track Length: 69km
Windy Harbour
- Distance from Perth: Pemberton 326km
Pemberton to Ritter rd 12.3km - StreetSmart®Travellers Atlas 9th Edition Map 8 Grid Ref: B 2
- Roads and Tracks Western Australia 2005 Map 3a Grid Ref: C 1
The northern entry to the Warren River access track is on the Old Vasse Rd (WR01) which branches off the Vasse Highway. Approximately 500m in from the highway on your right you will find Ritter rd (WR02). Turn right into Ritter rd and follow the gravel rd to Lake Yeagarup (WR03). Arriving at the pay station you will have to part with $9 to access the track to the Warren River beach. Following the track towards the beach, the Yeagarup Dunes announce themselves at WR04. There are parking areas here where you can let your tyres down, before tackling the dunes.
The track through the Yeagarup Dunes is marked with a series of posts in the ground and is about 2.5km in length. The entry point to the next dune area entails descending through a bottleneck at WR10. This area is as steep as it gets west of the Warren River. There is a track that runs behind the dunes that will take you to the Warren River (WR15) if beach conditions don,t allow access to the beach. The area around the entry track (WR13) to the beach has some clearings that could be used as campsites .There are no facilities here at all and you will have to carry everything in and out.
The eastern side of the Warren River can be accessed from the intersection of Richardson rd and Lewis rd. Following the gravel rd for about 5.5km you will eventually run onto the sandy track. The track can be loose sand in places, though there are railway sleepers at the bigger descents. There is a shaded camping area at WR39. There is a lookout that can be accessed on foot at WR40. Calcup Hill is the steepest sand climb around this area and even though the descent is spectacular the ascent will require very low tyre pressures (as low as 12lbs). Meerup River mouth can be accessed once you have reached the beach.

The following pictures are derived from a Digital Elevation Model (SRTM 3sec). The information is created by following the track with a line of sight tool. The images are to give you an idea of the descents and as always not entirely accurate.

Right click mouse and use scroll wheel to zoom the map below. You can also access the free map at maps.bushtrax.com where you view and download the map in the .mbtiles format. We have provided information about some apps that will handle this map format. Using your mobile to view in landscape mode is best.